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Ingleton Falls

Champagne In Mozambique

Ingleton Falls - Champagne In Mozambique | Isle Of Jura (ISLELP002) - main
Ingleton Falls - Champagne In Mozambique | Isle Of Jura (ISLELP002) - 1Ingleton Falls - Champagne In Mozambique | Isle Of Jura (ISLELP002) - 2Ingleton Falls - Champagne In Mozambique | Isle Of Jura (ISLELP002) - 3Ingleton Falls - Champagne In Mozambique | Isle Of Jura (ISLELP002) - 4


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Isle Of Jura (ISLELP002)

1x Vinyl LP Reissue

Release date: Jan 1, 2018, Australia

Repress of Isle Of Jura’s 2nd LP reissue - an album from Ingleton Falls that touches on Ambient, Dub, House + Balearic styles and was originally released in 1991 as a limited run of 100 self-distributed cassette tapes.

Ingleton Falls are Andy Hannam Seymour and Andy Eardley from Tyne and Wear in Newcastle. Having come from a more traditional band background originally, Ingleton Falls was their electronic project and the result of a love of acts like Dub Syndicate, African Headcharge, Gary Clail, The Orb and The KLF. Andy Hannam Seymour remembers “It was a very creative time musically, there was a lot going on around us that used new technology. I was excited by the possibilities. Up until then I'd been playing guitar with a more traditional drums/bass/guitar/vocal band with all the 'musical differences' that entailed (the two bands ran side by side for a while). I also liked the idea that you could write and record a piece of music that was ready to release yourself, rather than it being a demo or having to pay a lot of cash for studio time. That DIY aspect was a lot of fun.” The album is split into 2 parts, ‘Aware’ and ‘Unaware’. Andy explains “We decided that 'side1' and side2' were pretty dull and came up with the aware and unaware division based on a kind of enlightened and unenlightened mind kind of idea. The unaware side had the tunes with themes like necrophilia and samples of christians and the aware side was more expansive mindful themes.” Equipment used the make the album included a Cheetah SX16 sampler, Alesis HR16 Drum Machine, Yamaha FG440 Acoustic Guitar, Tokai Stratocaster Guitar and an Atari ST computer running a Steinberg Pro 24 sequencing program (from floppy disk!). Due to a lack of sampling memory sounds were added live from cassette into the final mixes. 25 years later these songs finally reach a wider audience, initially via a limited cassette release followed 6 weeks later by the 180 Gram Heavyweight LP.